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On a weekly basis, Podcast Host Heather Leonard is sharing Season 3 of Simply Healed with Heather Leonard, in a season entitled: Why You’re So Close, But Not There Yet. This inspiring podcast tackles so many topics around wellness of the mind, body and spirit. The opinions shared are a refreshing change from the usual, with personal experiences sprinkled into researched-backed scientific facts. Be sure to follow, as this podcast may just shatter your core beliefs and take you on an unexpected journey of personal growth (not to mention have you laughing as you question everything).
2 days ago
2 days ago
We all want life's pleasures, but pressure can hold us back. Stress and a desire for perfection can stop people before they even start.
This episode ties together how mindset and emotional/mental health can influence our physical well-being.
Podcast Host Heather explains her view on pleasure seekers who fail to find the pleasure in the here and now.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If you'd love to hear your company's advertisement read on this podcast by Heather, or you'd like to hear your own pre-recorded ad run during the show, email Heather to see if Sponsor space is still available.
Heather's email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Letting just one friend know about an episode that inspired you will help me immensely, while passing on the inspiration to someone you love!
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
This first installment of Sip Back & Relax with Heather & Shawn is a hilarious and honest episode packed with more laughs than you may be prepared for.
Listen as this duo challenges the role of men and women and explores real issues, while kicking back in a very real world, real life way, as they basically invite us to their kitchen table.
Very little edited out, as these two laugh hysterically and dig into deep relationship issues- offering both a male and female viewpoint.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If you're wanting to submit future topics to this podcast, or have comments, Heather's email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! 🙌❤️ Please continue to support this podcast by spreading the word to everyone you know who you think might enjoy listening.
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
This episode begs the question- Do we ever really know someone? If you're waiting to get to know someone, you may be waiting a lifetime. Truly, we rarely ever even fully know our ever-changing selves.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If you'd love to hear your company's advertisement read on this podcast by Heather, or you'd like to hear your own pre-recorded ad run during the show, email Heather to see if Sponsor space is still available.
Heather's email is
If working with Scott Sullivan, or anyone at Bay Point Financial, LLC in Laconia, NH for your financial guidance interested you, they can be reached at (603) 581-2629.
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Letting just one friend know about an episode that inspired you will help me immensely, while passing on the inspiration to someone you love!
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Are we fighting for a cause, or is there a little pull inside of all of us to be the winner?
The interesting thing about winning an argument when someone is expressing their feelings is that there can only be one winner. We're all entitled to our feelings.
Even if something, being stated as a feeling, is inaccurate and not a truth, it's their feelings and expressing them is an important thing in a healthy relationship.
The one thing most people can agree on is that peace within their relationships is priority. Sometimes that peace comes at a cost of lowering the ego and experiencing empathy.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If you'd love to hear your company's advertisement read on this podcast by Heather, or you'd like to hear your own pre-recorded ad run during the show, email Heather to see if Sponsor space is still available.
Heather's email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Letting just one friend know about an episode that inspired you will help me immensely, while passing on the inspiration to someone you love!
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Season 3 of Simply Healed With Heather Leonard continues to surprise! Could sickness be a benefit?? Could friends with benefits be a good thing?
Host Heather's answer could really surprise you.
As always, an episode aimed to pivot the perspective and have you thinking differently. With positive mindset as the driving force and knowing your worth as a necessity, this episode will leave you inspired.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If you'd love to hear your company's advertisement read on this podcast by Heather, or you'd like to hear your own pre-recorded ad run during the show, email Heather to see if Sponsor space is still available.
Heather's email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Letting just one friend know about an episode that inspired you will help me immensely, while passing on the inspiration to someone you love!
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Podcast Host Heather claims to be going out on a limb with this episode to be the insensitive prick telling you the tough truth.
Many hide behind love languages to avoid showing their love in a way that their partner needs to receive that love. This episode will surely offer an alternative viewpoint.
To feel emotionally met where we need extra support, we may need a partner who is willing to go the extra mile for us. This episode demonstrates why that isn't just possible, but necessary.
As always, a very important note: Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If you'd love to hear your company's advertisement read on this podcast by Heather, or you'd like to hear your own pre-recorded ad run during the show, email Heather to see if Sponsor space is still available.
Heather's email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Cringeworthy? Maybe. Done by most everyone? Likely.
We all have standards. Dealbreakers are developed from years of trial and error and past hurts that we're guarding against. Why then is this such a turn off to men and women to hear that the person they're out with is checking boxes?
Before walking away from a potentially wonderful relationship, just because you hear something that's a turn off, consider listening to this episode to gain some perspective.
Very important note: Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If you'd love to hear your company's advertisement read on this podcast by Heather, or you'd like to hear your own pre-recorded ad run during the show, email Heather to see if Sponsor space is still available.
Heather's email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Some people think when gift giving "What would feel really good for me to receive?" Then that's what they do for the one they love. There's much more that goes into making someone feel special and appreciated and this episode of Simply Healed with Heather Leonard gets into all of the nuances.
This episode will be a great listen at Valentine's Day, or any day of the year. Timely and certainly tailored with an honest approach, this episode will have something for most everyone to walk away with.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If Ho'oponopono, Hypnosis, Grief Coaching, or any of Heather's other offers interested you, this is her website, at the link below, where you can find her sessions while they last. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is her company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
Heather's email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Relationship experts often advise specific ways to be, in order to make your partner feel loved. In Episode 4, Podcast Host Heather gives her opposing thoughts on the matter and suggests another alternative.
Love languages are described, as well as what may be needing to be satisfied within your partner who prefers a certain way of expressing and receiving love.
Can two different love languages work within a relationship?
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If having your company's advertisement placed on this podcast interested you, my email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, subscribes and downloads! ❤️ 2025 is off and running!! Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet and keep sharing the love.
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
This episode tackles the relationship issue of finding common ground around sex frequency.
How to say "not right now," without making your partner feel rejected? One better... how to allow them to feel more close intimately even with the lack of sexual connection.
Podcast Host Heather shares common threads, amongst her grief and online communities, as well as friends, around this powerful topic and the fears shared.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If having your company's advertisement placed on this podcast interested you, my email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, subscribes and downloads! ❤️ 2025 is off and running!! Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet and keep sharing the love.
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Home and house are not one and the same and in this episode of Simply Healed With Heather Leonard, Host Heather challenges us to see the difference.
In the wake of so many houses lost in California, due to the fires that are taking down entire communities (even as this episode was being recorded), this timely episode will have us all remembering what's truly of value in our lives.
This episode is full of personal stories and in a creative way Host Heather even ties this tragedy back to how to move forward after loss of a loved one.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If Ho'oponopono, Hypnosis, or Grief Coaching interested you, this is my website, at the link below, where you can find my sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
My email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads! ❤️ 2025 is off and running!! Don't forget to subscribe and keep sharing the love.
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Today's episode is the kick off to season 3 and I was live!!
So much happening between going live and unfiltered (explicit label up!)
This episode we talk detox!
There's so much talk about cutting out the toxic people in our life and how being around toxic energy can negatively affect our lives. This is a different outlook on toxicity.
Listen to find out what host Heather has to say in season 3 about detoxifying for both health and relationship improvement.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If Ho'oponopono interested you, this is my website, at the link below, where you can find my sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
My email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads last year! ❤️ So excited for 2025!! Don't forget to subscribe
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Season 2 of Simply Healed With Heather Leonard comes to a close right along with 2024!
In this last episode of the season, Host Heather rounds back to discuss some polarizing episodes and field some of the questions and comments that came in.
This episode is the perfect way to wrap up an amazing year all while welcoming in a whole new season.
Season 3 will offer YouTube™ videos of the recorded episodes, new topics, new guests, new cover art and so much more. Looking to be the best season yet!
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
If Ho'oponopono interested you, this is my website, at the link below, where you can find my sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
My email is
Thank you for all of the listens, shares, follows and downloads this year! ❤️ So excited for 2025!!
We've become a society of clichés and recycling old ideas. This podcast will have you realigning your priorities and rethinking everything you believed to be true. Our health, our relationships, grief and so much more with an entirely different take. It's time to regain our health and take back our lives.
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