Simply Healed With Heather Leonard

On a weekly basis, Podcast Host Heather Leonard is sharing Season 3 of Simply Healed with Heather Leonard, in a season entitled: Why You’re So Close, But Not There Yet. This inspiring podcast tackles so many topics around wellness of the mind, body and spirit. The opinions shared are a refreshing change from the usual, with personal experiences sprinkled into researched-backed scientific facts. Be sure to follow, as this podcast may just shatter your core beliefs and take you on an unexpected journey of personal growth (not to mention have you laughing as you question everything).

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I'm Not Tarnished, I'm Trained!

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Wednesday May 08, 2024

A wonderful podcast episode for any grieving widow/widower to share with their next love. This episode tackles the difficult topic of dating someone whose spouse has passed and finding a new way to look at it.
For those not grieving, this episode also discusses the wild world of online dating and the dating app difficulties.
Podcast Host Heather discusses alternative ways of approaching relationships with new partners and how not to set yourself up for failure.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
This is my website, at the link below, where you can find my Hypnosis Sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
My email is
My Grief Program can be found at
My Monthly Live Coaching Subscription can be found at
Thank you to all who have been supporting this podcast with your listens, shares, downloads, likes, subscribing and positivity. ❤️ I see you 😊

Shadow Work

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Wednesday May 01, 2024

This episode explores What is the devil within us? Is the shadow just the dark aspects and bad guy within each of us?
What if the shadow-self is actually the one who is helping us grow and taking on all of the risk?
A very different take on shadow work and how to grow through your experiences to find happiness.
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
This is my website, at the link below, where you can find my Hypnosis Sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
My email is
Thank you to all who have been supporting this podcast with your listens, shares, downloads, likes, subscribing and positivity. ❤️

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Anger can be sneaky and destructive. This episode aims to shine a light on the ways it could be effecting you unnoticed.
Personal stories combined with science in episode 32 of season 2!
Thank you to all who have been supporting this podcast with your listens, shares, downloads, likes, subscribing and positivity. ❤️
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
This is my website, at the link below, where you can find my Hypnosis Sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
My email is
My Grief Program can be found at
My Monthly Live Coaching Subscription can be found at

A Healthy Balance

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

If a relationship was to be compared to a yin yang symbol, when one half of the symbol becomes inflated, the other half has only one choice- to shrink; since they're occupying the same space. A push pull dynamic can be created and imbalance within the relationships in our life can be formed.
Whether internally, within our own bodies, or externally in our relationships and environment, balance is always being pursued.
This episode discusses how this can show up in our world. The idea of mind, body and spirit health is also explored.
Thank you to all who have been supporting this podcast with your listens, shares, downloads, likes, subscribing and positivity. ❤️
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
This is my website, at the link below, where you can find my Hypnosis Sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
My email is
My Grief Program can be found at
My Monthly Live Coaching Subscription can be found at

Kicking Cancer's Butt With Blue

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Finally my long awaited chat with Lenny Blue, the Stage 4 cancer survivor who not only has beaten the odds, but has turned his challenges into inspiration for others.
This episode discusses cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy, as well as cancer prevention and so much more; but does it all through the eyes of a survivor.
Podcast guest Lenny "Blue" has graciously shared his email address for anyone who would like to connect:
The links to the support options discussed in today's episode are: for the Cancer Hope Network & for Lungevity
For anyone interested in Heather's Hypnosis Sessions, more information can be found on her website:
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only and is based on someone's personal experience. See full website disclaimer at
Thank you to all who have been supporting this podcast with your listens, shares, downloads, likes, subscribing and positivity. ❤️

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Hanging onto control can be a very limiting behavior. When we try to stuff down emotions, they have a way of coming out at even less desirable moments. In this way, our very method is backfiring on us, as we’re faced with having even less control.
When we choose to hang onto control in our lives and avoid the uncomfortable nature of uncertainty, the only thing certain is that all of the potential positive outcomes have now been eliminated as possibilities.
Fear of releasing control is a very low vibrational energy and while there is fear at times over what could happen next if we release control, at least when taking the chance, other lower energies like regret can be released.
If you’re looking to harness some of the exceptional energy of this Solar Eclipse (04/08/24) this episode highlights some of the potential shifts that may be occurring today that will have the Universe supporting your moves. 🌘🌑🌚
Thank you to all who have been supporting this podcast with your listens, shares, downloads, likes, subscribing and positivity. ❤️
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
This is my website, at the link below, where you can find my Hypnosis Sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
*For those who love synchronicities... This podcast episode lasted 44:4 minutes long and at exactly that time stamp, I was talking about love.
In numerology, 444 is considered to be an angel number that is said, when we encounter it, to represent clarity, evolution, decisiveness & stability. Perfect for this eclipse as it signifies that we are on the right path and that our efforts are being supported by the divine. It reminds us to trust in the process and have faith that everything is unfolding as it should. Seeing 444 signifies healing, transformation/change, revolution... evolution & leveling up. When seeing 444, it means it's time for growth. You might have outgrown where you are currently, or you're ready for new things & 444 brings a “phoenix energy” beckoning you to burn down and build back up even better. ✨🌜🔥🪶

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Are you open to receiving the things you desire?
No brainer right?
You're probably thinking...of course I'm open to receiving them, they're what I desire. Only most people have a multitude of self made barriers between the things they desire and having them available to them.
In this episode, podcast Host Heather highlights her personal experiences and her own personal barricades that she's thrown in the way of being able to receive the things she claims to want.
This episode was dedicated to Hannah Chaignot who lost her life 3/24/24 in a car accident. The lessons that hopefully can be taken away from her experience are the value of every life lost- no matter how seemingly senseless a death may seem and also importance of strong communication with those that you love, while you still have the opportunity. 🙏✝️
Next week's Podcast will be released early on Monday, April 8, 2024, so that I can pass along some fun solar eclipse info around how it can be harnessed to help you energetically!
For those interested in my recently released Hypnotherapy Sessions (March 26, 2024) if you're watching in real time, I currently have times available for new clients. I'm a sucker for bonuses, so I'm extending the offer of a free bonus to those of you who drop me an email upon a purchase and mention this podcast. The bonus video will further support the session you purchase. (I know I said it was going away, but I just can't help myself):
This is my website, at the link below, where you can find my Hypnosis Sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
Don't forget to follow and subscribe, so you never miss anything from Simply Healed With Heather Leonard.
Your Downloads help to keep this podcast going! Thank you for your  support and listens! ❤️

Let Go Of The Potential In People

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

I know what you might be thinking... Geez Heather that sounds a little harsh- Let Go of the potential in people?
There are two very different things.
What you see within them
What you get from them
Maybe you're seeing a beautiful soul who has been hurt in life and you feel they're just acting out, as a result, to protect themselves, great! However... are you having to deal with that protective version of them who is not treating you right as a result and you're just making excuses for their bad behavior?
This episode has actually little to do with that and is more about how you might be surprised how you could be a contributing factor in this.
Before you get angry at the thought of that, consider that this is a gift. If you are playing a role in this, then it's within your control to make changes in the current situation. If it was all about them, really your only options are take it, or leave it.
This is an episode that has many twists, so give it a listen and be sure to comment if you have something to contribute to the conversation.
It's here! The release of my Hypnotherapy Sessions! (March 26, 2024) I'm a sucker for bonuses, so will extend that offer to those of you who drop me an email upon a purchase and mention this podcast. The bonus video will further support the session you purchase. (I know I said it was going away, but I just can't help myself):
This is my website, at the link below, where you can find my Hypnosis Sessions. Can You Cure Cancer? LLC is my company, so know you're in the right place. 😊
Don't forget to follow and subscribe, so you never miss anything from Simply Healed With Heather Leonard.
Your Downloads help to keep this podcast going! Thank you for your  support and listens! ❤️

A Blessed Mess

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

A Blessed 😇 Mess 🤪
We've been given gifts, but are we using them? This episode highlights the importance of you and your role in this world.
In this episode, Podcast Host Heather speaks to listeners who believe they may not have the talent and gifts that others have been blessed with.
The time is now friends and this episode is meant to inspire.
For those who want to receive Heather's bonuses, when her Hypnotherapy Sessions are released next week (March 2024), send an email and she'll be sure to pass those along to you when you purchase a session!
Don't forget to follow and subscribe, so you never miss anything from Simply Healed With Heather Leonard.
Your Downloads help to keep this podcast going! Thank you for your amazing support ❤️

How To Transform Your Mess

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Things in life are sometimes just...messy.  Even those of us who claim to hate the mess, sometimes find ourselves standing in a heap.
This episode is all about how to transform the mess into a message and pick up the communication to make things go more seamlessly.
Questions that have been brought to Podcast Host Heather, are addressed to help with self esteem and relationship advice.
For those who want to receive Heather's bonuses, when her Hypnotherapy Sessions are released this month (March 2024), send an email and she'll be sure to pass those along to you when you purchase a session!
Don't forget to follow and subscribe, so you never miss anything from Simply Healed With Heather Leonard.
Your Downloads help to keep this podcast going! Thank you for your amazing support ❤️

What-If-ing Yourself Frozen

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

This is an episode packed with personal experiences, tips to make decision making easier, improving communication to help make relationships go more smoothly and so much more.
Podcast Host Heather also shares some big personal decisions in her own life in this episode.
Fear and giving away too much power to the "what-if's" can hold back the best things that could ever happen in your life. This episode will inspire you to make brave decisions for a better life.
For those who want to be 'in the know' as my Hypnotherapy Sessions are released this month (March 2024) and gain some early access bonuses, send me an email and I'll be sure to pass those along to you when the sessions are released!
Don't forget to follow and subscribe, so you never miss anything from Simply Healed With Heather Leonard.
Your Downloads help to keep this podcast going! Thank you for your amazing support ❤️

How To Get You Outta The Funk

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

We all hit lows. It's how to go about finding a silver lining and finding a way to pick yourself back up, when all hope feels lost, that matters.
This episode offers strategies to do just that, as well as visualization tools that have worked for podcast Host Heather.
If you're feeling alone in your grief, or a victim to the circumstances of life, this episode may be for you.
If Heather's Free Connection Beyond Struggle Facebook™ group interested you and you want to grab an invitation to join, use this link: If you wanted her email to get a quick admit into the group, use this:
Nothing in this podcast episode constitutes health, or medical (physical or mental) advice. This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. See full website disclaimer at
Be sure to follow, like, subscribe... all the good stuff to help Heather keep this podcast going. Thanks for your support!

Time- The Ultimate Currency

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

This episode aims to remind listeners to refrain from judgement around how people choose to navigate their life experience.
Pros and cons to both sides of the coin are offered in an attempt to elicit empathy and compassion for someone who moves differently in life and has a diverse set of priorities.
Some people are more logical and others are more heart centered, but there may be more common ground than you realize when you come from a place of curiosity.
For those who want to be 'in the know' as my Hypnotherapy Sessions are released and gain some early access bonuses, send me an email and I'll be sure to pass those along to you when the sessions are released!
Don't forget to follow and subscribe, so you never miss anything from Simply Healed With Heather Leonard.
Your Downloads help to keep this podcast going! Looking forward to an amazing 2024! ❤️

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Podcasting With Honesty & 🤯🔥

We've become a society of clichés and recycling old ideas.  This podcast will have you realigning your priorities and rethinking everything you believed to be true.  Our health, our relationships, grief and so much more with an entirely different take.  It's time to regain our health and take back our lives.

For Those Interested In My Facebook™ Group, Grab Your Invite Here: Connection Beyond Struggle

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